Function Stubs

Functions which are called may relie on other sub functions which are implemented in other modules. The behavior of those sub-functions is, strictly seen, an input to the function under test. In many cases, though, it is difficult or even impossible to control the behavior of these functions by setting of function parameters or global objects. This is especially true for functions which interact with hardware. To cope with that HWUT provides the feature of HWUT-Stubs.

By the means of HWUT-Stubs the user may remote control the functions under the hood. HWUT-Stubs control functions provide a means to specify the return values of stubbed functions or link them to a specific behavior. For this, HWUT needs to generate some code. This is done in a stub specification file. For ‘C’ one basically needs to copy/pase the function signature of stubbed functions, together with some required headers. For example

#include <stdio.h>
#define  size_t   int
#define  bool     int
#define  uint8_t  int

/* <<functions>> */
void my_write(float SignalID, int Value);
int  my_read(float SignalID);

void my_flag_unset(uint8_t* flag_memory, size_t BitIndex);
void my_flag_set(uint8_t* flag_memory, size_t BitIndex);
bool my_flag_get(uint8_t* flag_memory, size_t BitIndex);

pasted five signatures of functions which are required for a test. For them to compile, some defines and includes are required. The header information is separated from the function signatures by a line that contains the signal “<<functions>>”. If these settings are stored in a file “my_stubs.c”, hwut can be called with:

> hwut stub my_stub.c

which results in two generated files: “hwut_stub.h” and “hwut_stub.c”. The first is to be used as include header, the latter needs to be linked against. Provided that a function does not return ‘void’, it is now possible to control the stubbed function’s return values by

function_name_RETURNS(N, Value0, Value1, Value2, ...)

The fist function tells that ‘function_name’ returns always ‘Value’. The second function lets it return Value0 the first time, Value1 the second time, etc. If there are more than N calls to the function it starts all over again with Value0. In case that function return values are not enough the whole function may be implemented in a simplified manner. The redirection to simplified implementations is controlled by


The first function lets ‘function_name’ call ‘FunctionP’ whenever it is called. It calls FunctionP with the exact arguments as it receives. The second function calls the given FunctionP with a first argument: N. Where N is the number of times that the function has been called. This may help to mimik scenerios that can be related to sequences.

Imagine, a function “wait_for_acknowledgement()” which polls some receive channel and only returns when it foind an ‘acknowledge’:

bool wait_for_acknowledgement(char* buffer) {
      if( receive(buffer) ) return true;
  return false;

The underlying ‘receive’ function could be served by

static bool
my_receive(int N, char* buffer) {
    switch( N ) {
    default: *buffer = 0;                return false;
    case 10: memcpy(buffer, "hello", 6); return true;

Here, the ‘my_receive’ uses the number of calls to determine what to do. In the test the simplified mimiker may be setup by


By means of HWUT-Stubs it is possible to observe the behavior of the underlying stubs and the test in one single place. This clearly supports the idea of obvious relations between tests and requirements.


Sometimes some functions of a modules need to be stubbed and others not. For such cases, make sure that the object file ‘hwut_stub.o’ (or howsoever you name it) appears before the correspondent object file which also implements the stubbed function. Then, the linker must be told to use the first definition. With GNU’s ‘ld’ this is done by specifiying -z muldefs. For example:

gcc -z muldefs myfile.o hwut_stub.o other.o

makes sure that any function implemented in hwut_stub.o will not be taken from other.o. Note, that ‘gcc’ calls ‘ld’ implicitly together will some compiler specific command line options.