List of Test Applications¶
Each TEST directory groups a list of test applications that cover some specific functionality. Some test applications might be executable scripts which are interpreted by some interpreter program, others require a build process to be built. This section discusses the process how HWUT determines the list of test applications in a given TEST directory. It consists of three basic steps:
- Requesting the list of make-able applications from the Makefile.
- Determining the filtered list of present files in the TEST directory.
- Unifying both lists into a single list of test applications
The list of make-able test applications is reported by the Makefile, as specified by the user. There is no need for any further user controlled filtering of this list. Considering the list of present files in the TEST test directory, however, might necessitate some control in order to prevent unwanted files to be considered as test applications. Since make-able applications can be also in the list of present files, both lists need to be unified.
Make-dependent Applications¶
Using the make application [#f1]_ HWUT interacts with the Makefile in the current directory. It does so by invoquing make hwut-info and reading the standard output. If there is no response, for example because there is no makefile, the hwut continues with step 2.
If the Makefile responds with a non-emptry string its response is considered as the list of make-able test applications. In the Makefile itself there should be a section such as
FILES = test-border \ test-equivalence-classes \ test-special-cases \ test-mean-conditions .... hwut-info: @echo $(FILES)
The @ before ‘echo’ prevents that ‘echo’ appears in the output itself. Since the user has full control over the list of test applications he wants to report as response to hwut-info, there is no need to filter the list of make-able test applications. It would actually be harmful, since there would be no longer one distinct place of specification.
Filtered List of Present Files in TEST¶
For test applications that can be run without any build procedure, e.g. scripts of any kind, HWUT considers the list of present files in the TEST directory. In order to separate the wheat from the chaff it applies filtering. The user can control the filtering by means of the file ADM/scripts.txt, or HWUT relies on default filtering.
Default Filtering¶
If no file ADM/scripts.txt is present, then HWUT will apply a simple filtering rules:
- # If there are make-able applications than filter out
- all present files in the directory. No script will be considered.
- # If there are no make-able files then consider only
- executable files in the current TEST directory.
On Unix systems, ‘executable’ means that the file has its executable rights set. On Windows and Cygwin systems is searches for files with extensions ‘.bat’ and ‘.exe’. This is the default behavior and it should work for most cases. The default filtering is sufficient as long as all tests are make-able tests, or as long as the executable flags of test applications can be preserved safely.
When tests are to be applied on different platforms, or if they are communcated in a way were executable flags are not preserved (e.g. through a configuration management tool), then it becomes necessary to apply controlled filtering as described in the next section.
Controlled Filtering¶
If the file ADM/scripts.txt is present and if it is non-empty, then it is used for filtering. In this file, the user can specify filtering rules explicitly. The syntax of this file is line based and it relies on regular expressions in the UNIX-shell command line style to specify file patterns, i.e.
Pattern Match ? one arbitrary character * list of arbitrary characters [abc] any character a, b, or c [!abc] any character except a, b, or c
The filtering script consists of two part: first, ‘inclusive’ lines that defines patterns of files to be generally considered test applications. Second, ‘exclusive’ lines to filter out files that look like test applications but are not. Exclusive lines start with a --not key word. Inclusive lines my start with the name of the interpreter that is used to execute the test application. Consider the following example:
python30 *
python24 *
latex *.tex
--not [aA]ux*.py
--not test-?-*-doc-*.tex
The first four lines define that files ending with,, .sh, and .tex from the TEST directory are all candidates of test applications. Additionally, it is specified that files ending with are to be executed by python30, files ending with are executed by python24, files ending with .tex are executed by latex and files ending with .sh are directly be executed by the system.
The last two lines defines how the list of candidates can be pruned further. If, for example a file ends with .py but starts with aux or Aux then it is excluded, as specified by the first --not line. The second --not line specifies that a file that ends with .tex but starts with test- followed by an arbitrary character, followed by -, and contains -doc- somewhere in its name is also excluded. The above example was chosen to show the possibilites. In practical, the filtering script is most probably are very simple one, such as:
--not benchmark-*.py
This says that only python files are considered, except for two types. First, the file is not a test application, may be because it is imported by multiple test applications. Second, no file that matches benchmark-*.py because may be used to make some general measurements which are not related to unit tests.
Filtering of the list of test applications.
Figure Filtering of the list of test applications. shows graphically how filtering works for the following example setup:
- The makefile responds to make hwut-info with: test0.exe and test1.exe.
- The list of files in the TEST directory is,,,
The script ADM/scripts.txt looks as follows:
--not *old*
As can be seen in the figure, the make-able applications pass directly to the set of test applications and are not filtered. The list of files in TEST is first reduced to those that match * Here, only and remain. Now, is filtered out by the exclusive filter matching *old* and only is added to the list of test applications.