Temporal Logic¶
Temporal logic is crucially different from ‘classic’ HWUT testing where test output is compared to nominal output. It falls into the domain of formal verification [ref]. That means that the correctness of the unit under test is determined based on a formal description of its nominal behavior. In particular temporal logic considers the influence of time and relative occurrence of events. In that manner, rules can be expressed such as “when x is received, then a list of y elements must be accumulated before z occurs”.
HWUT provides its own little flavor of temporal logic that aims elegant expressions of practical problems. The elements of temporal logic are specified in a scripting language. The language and its ideas are explained in the subsequent sections.
The Very Basics¶
There are two players: The tested application and HWUT as an observer. Accordingly there are ‘events’ sent by the application and ‘rules’ considered by the observer. During the execution of a test, the application sends ‘events’ (prints them on the standard output) to the observer. The observer judges the correctness based on a given set of rules. This is shown in figure [ref].

The only way for the test application to communicate with the HWUT observer is through the events which it sends. Those events document the happenings during the test. Those events change the internal representation of the ‘world’, i.e. the configuration of all state variables. It keeps track of all events, and when they occurred. Also it can maintain additional variables, but they are modified by the ‘court’. The observer’s court judges the correctness of what is happening based on the internal representation of the world. It requires rules to be specified in order to derive verdicts and possibly actively change settings of the world.
An event is a message from the test application to the observer about something that has happend during the test.
HWUT’s world is a representation of the outside world based on events which are received from the test application. It contains information about events and auxiliary variables.
The following shows a typical list of events sent by a test application.:
BOOT(vga="ext", acpi="off", maxcpus=4);
INETD("", "", 32);
Those events printed as strings are then interpreted by HWUT’s observer. HWUT registers that the START event has occurred. Then the BOOT event. It stores the information about vga, acpi and maxcpus as side information about that event, and so on. All this information is stored in the internal representation of the ‘world’.
- The when, the where, and what happend ...
- the only way to catch the scent
is by event.
The observer requires rules to judge correctness. Whenever the state of the world changes it can apply rules to it. Those rules can be active, in the sense that they change the world’s state. Or, they are passive, in the sense that they only produce verdicts of correctness.
- Events change how one views the world.
- Even when things get strangely swirled
- we judge correctness by a tool
- called rule.
Rules are defined in the HWUT-specific language called ‘Joy’. A simple form of a rule set is the following.:
INETD.time() - BOOT.time() < 20;
It tells that the INETD event has to happen not more than ‘20’ time units after the event BOOT. Time is a unit-less entity in HWUT. It can be configured to be seconds, milliseconds, message numbers, or whatsoever. The only requirement is that time must be monotonously increasing. Rules can be awake and asleep. The above rule is defined in a way that it is always awake. But the awake and sleep state of rules can be controlled. There will be more about this later.
A rule defines a condition on the state variables of the world. It can be awake or asleep (never both). It can be passive or active.
A passive rule may only produce verdicts. An active rule may change variables of the world.
A sleeping rule does not produce verdicts and it does not change the world.
A court is an engine based on a formal description of the nominal behavior. The court controls the awake and sleep state of rules. It applies all awake rules to the world.
With events and rules, the world and the court, we can defined the failure and the success of a test.
Test Failure
A temporal logic test fails as soon as the court produces a failure verdict. That is, a failure means that an awake rule is broken.
As a consequence, a test succeeds if it terminates without braking any rule that is awake. For practical testing, the temporal logic engine is activated by the response option LOGIC: followed by a comma separated list of file names which contain the rule set for the test. For example, in javascript (node.js) the response to --hwut-info might look like the following.
process.argv.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
if( value == "--hwut-info" ) {
console.log("My State Machine;");
console.log("LOGIC: general.tlr, database-consistency.tlr;");
The subsequent sections explain in detail how events are formatted and how rules need to be specified. The temporal logic engine relies on its own scripting language. Its syntax and data structures are described along with the concepts that you use in your test specification. In parallel to the explanation a fully functional temporal logic test is implemented to be applied in Perl and C. The tests applications can be foud in demo/Perl/logic/TEST or respectively dome/C/logic/TEST.
The Example¶
As an example, a tiny module is tested. It contains a state machine which describes the behavior of ‘TheDude’.
package TheDude;
%behavior = (
BED => { tired => "BED", buzz => "HOME" },
HOME => { tired => "BED", buzz => "WORK" },
WORK => { tired => "HOME", buzz => "HOME" }
sub new {
return { state => "BED", need_for_sleep => 5, work_time => 0 };
TheDude is an object with a state, a certain need for sleep, and an amount of work time that he has worked without interuption. Its state can either be in BED, at HOME, or at WORK. The behavior describes how TheDude reacts on the two events tired (TheDude gets tired) and buzz (TheDude gets buzzed). A new dude is created with the TheDude::new() function.
sub on_tired {
my ($dude) = @_;
$dude->{state} = %{$behavior{$dude->{state}}}->{tired};
sub on_buzz {
my ($dude) = @_;
$before = $dude->{"state"};
$dude->{state} = %{$behavior{$dude->{state}}}->{buzz};
if( $before == "BED" && $dude->{need_for_sleep} < 0 ) {
$dude->{need_for_sleep} = 0;
Two functions control TheDude’s reaction to the events tired and buzz. on_tired solely searches for the current state in behavior and sets the subsequent state as specified in member tired. The function on_buzz does the same thing for the behavior related to buzz. Additionally, it makes sure that the need for sleep is never negative when TheDude wakes up. TheDude may have slept not enough (need for sleep > 0), but if he slept too much (need for sleep < 0) then he does not profit from it. Finally, there is time. Each time an hour passed, TheDude’s data needs to be updated by a call to on_clock.
sub on_clock {
# Performs TheDude's state change upon one hour increment. When the 'need for
# sleep' limit is exceeded, the 'on_tired' event handler is called. 'on_buzz'
# is called at dedicated hours and in case that TheDude slept too much.
# RETURNS: 1 -- if a buzz event occured.
# 0 -- else.
my ($dude, $time) = @_;
$hour = $time % 24;
$dude->{need_for_sleep} += 1 if( $dude->{state} eq "WORK" );
$dude->{need_for_sleep} += 0.5 if( $dude->{state} eq "HOME" );
$dude->{need_for_sleep} -= 1 if( $dude->{state} eq "BED" );
$dude->{work_time} += 1 if( $dude->{state} eq "WORK" );
$dude->{work_time} = 0 if( not $dude->{state} eq "WORK" );
if( $dude->{need_for_sleep} > 11 ) {
if( $hour == 6 || $hour == 7 || $hour == 16 || $dude->{need_for_sleep} < -3 ) {
return 1;
return 0;
1; # <The End> Perl modules like to have that '1' here.
The fragment above says that the need for sleep increases twice as much at work as it increases at home. Each hour that TheDude sleeps gains him 2 sleep points. When TheDude is at work the work hours are increment. Beyond his time at work the work hours are zero.
The tired event is related to a need for sleep value greater than 26. TheDude is buzz-ed at 6am, 7am, and 4pm (16:00 hours), or when he slept much more than he needs to (need for sleep < -6).
The counterpart to TheDude in Perl, written in C, looks like the following.
typedef enum {
BED = 0, HOME = 1, WORK = 2,
} StateId;
typedef enum {
BED = 0, HOME = 1, WORK = 2,
} Event;
typedef struct {
StateId tired; // State to be entered upon ``tired``
StateId buzz; // State to be entered upon ``buzz``
} State;
State behavior[3]= (
{ BED, HOME },
{ BED, WORK },
typedef struct {
state_t state;
float need_for_sleep;
int work_time;
} TheDude;
void TheDude_init(TheDude* me)
me->state_id = BED;
me->need_for_sleep = 5;
me->work_time = 0;
void on_tired(TheDude* me)
me->state_id = behavior[me->state_id][TIRED];
void on_buzz(TheDude* me)
StateId before = me->state_id;
me->state_id = behavior[me->state_id][BUZZ];
if( not (before != me->state_id ) && before == BED
&& me->need_for_sleep < 0 ) {
me->need_for_sleep = 0;
void on_clock(TheDude* me, int time)
int hour = time % 24;
switch( me->state_id ) {
case BED: me->need_for_sleep -= 1; me->work_time = 0; break;
case HOME: me->need_for_sleep += 0.5; me->work_time = 0; break;
case WORK: me->need_for_sleep += 1; me->work_time += 1; break;
if( me->need_for_sleep > 11 ) {
if( hour == 6 || hour == 7 || hour == 16 || me->need_for_sleep < -3 ) {
For the further dicussion it is assumed that TheDude.pm contains the module described in the example.