Events are the only thing that the test application communicates to HWUT during test execution. They inform about what happend, and possibly when and where it happend. While in classical HWUT tests the user is totally free in the design of the test application output, the output for events must follow a pattern. The very minimum for an event is the name of the event itself followed by a semi-colon as shown below.:
Time can optionally be reported by a number at the beginning of a line followed by a colon such as in:
0.001: BEGIN;
When time is omitted, it is assumed that the event occurred at the same time when the last time has been reported.
Time is unit-less. It’s value is a scalar number and it is monotoneously increasing with the number of events.
The source code position may also be reported by a preceeding file name followed by a colon followed by a line number.
"hello.c":12: CALL_STDIO_PRINT;
And, of course, time and source code position may be reported at the same time. This is done by specification of the time value after the source code position as in the example below.:
"hello.c":12: 0.21: CALL_STDIO_PRINT;
Events can be adorned, that is additional information which is related to the event itself. This data can be either provided nameless or named. That is, it is possible to write:
BEGIN("off", 15, 0xFFFF,;
or name all arguments:
BEGIN(light="off", usb_port_n=15, bit_mask=0xFFFF, ip="");
or even mix named and unnamed arguments:
BEGIN("off", usb_port_n=15, 0xFFFF, ip="");
The difference is that named arguments are made accessible in the world by their names. In the above example, The first and third argument are only accessed by their index, i.e. by BEGIN[0] and BEGIN[2]. Named arguments are accessible by name and index. That is, the ip-address is accessed as BEGIN.ip and BEGIN[4].
Returning to the example, a first test written in Perl can be programmed using
use TheDude;
$joe = TheDude::new();
for($time=0; $time < 24; ++$time) {
if( TheDude::on_clock($joe, $time) ) {
printf("%02i: BUZZ!\n", $time % 24);
printf("%02i: %s(nfs=%0.1f, w=%s);\n", $time % 24,
$joe->{state}, $joe->{need_for_sleep}, $joe->{work_time});
This prints the current time and the states of TheDude to the standard output. Since the need for sleep and the work time are attributes of TheDude, it makes sense to report them too.
It is essential to think in terms of events since events are the only thing reported to the HWUT logic analyzer. The print-out of the state X corresponds to the event ‘one hour passed and state was X’. The test application above produces the following content on the standard output.:
00: BED(nfs=4.0, w=0);
01: BED(nfs=3.0, w=0);
05: BED(nfs=-1.0, w=0);
06: BUZZ!
06: HOME(nfs=0.0, w=0);
07: BUZZ!
07: WORK(nfs=0.5, w=0);
08: WORK(nfs=1.5, w=1);
15: WORK(nfs=8.5, w=8);
16: BUZZ!
16: HOME(nfs=9.5, w=9);
19: HOME(nfs=11.0, w=0);
20: BED(nfs=11.5, w=0);
21: BED(nfs=10.5, w=0);
Some influences of TheDude’s behavior is evident. For example, at the buzzing hours, the on_buzz handler is called and sets the next state, i.e. from BED to WORK to HOME. When the need for sleep becomes greater than 11, then TheDude goes to BED. But, there are rules whose influence is hard to oversee. Some of the open questions are: Does TheDude always get enough sleep? Does he not leave work too often as a result of tiredness? Does he keep his minimum and maximum working hours per week? Such constraints can be placed by temporal logic rules which are explained in the section to come.