
This section focusses on the usage of constraints for rules. The temporal logic distinguishes itself from from first-order logic by the derivation of verdicts from temporal sequences. A first order rule would be:

X is equal to Y

The verdict derived from that statement can be evaluated independent of the point in time when it appears and independent from what events occur. The rule:

from the time that A occurred until B occurs X is equal to Y

This statement ‘awakens’ the rule X is equal to Y by the event ‘A’ and sets it to sleep by the event ‘B’. This statement is significantly different from an implication in first order logic, such as:

if A is true and B is not true then X is equal to Y

The ‘A’ in temporal logic may become false and the rule X is equal to Y is still alert. In the first order logic rule the equality condition is inactive as soon as A is false.


Implications are means to constraint conditions by first order logic. The syntax is the pythonic version of the traditional ‘if/else’ block. For example:

if A.same_f: A.x == A.y;
else:        A.x == A.y;

tells that if the ‘.same_f’ flag is set in an event, then both members ‘.x’ and ‘.y’ must be the same, else they must be different. This rule must hold during the whole experiment at every instance. Also pythonic is the syntax for the ‘else if’ condition: elif. An arbitrary sequence of elif conditions may follow an if statement, and they can be followed by an unconditional else. The sequence in which they appear corresponds to the sequence in which they are evaluated. In the sequence:

if   not A.correct_f: A.x == 0 and A.y == 0;
elif A.same_f:        A.x == A.y;
elif A.enabled_f:     A.x > 0 and A.y > 0;
else:                 A.x == A.y;

It is first checked whether A.correct_f is true. If it is not, then both members must be zero. In the same sense, the ‘.same_f’ is checked, then the ‘.enabled_f’ and if nothing triggers the rule A.x == A.y is considered.

A not-so pythonic variation of the ‘if/else’ block is the ‘switch’ statement. If many conditions apply on a single value, then that’s a case for it. For example.:

switch A.length: {
== 0:       A.database_size == 0;
== 1:       A.database_size == 0;
< MaxSize:  A.database_size == A.length - 1;
else:       A.database_size == -1;

What follows the switch statement is an expression which is to be considered in the subsequent cases. Any case starts with a comparator. The above statement tells that if A.length is zero or one than A.database_size is zero. Only when it is greater than 1, the size of the database shall be its length - 1. If the MaxSize is exceeded the database size shall be reported as -1.

At the time of this writing, the specification of the ‘switch’ statement is somewhat novel. However, the semantic constructs are nothing new. The only difference to classical programming languages is that the leaves of the program text are not commands, but conditions. Their task is to fire a failure notification in case that they are violated.

All implications imply that some condition R1 is considered if and only if another condition R1 is true. This can be expressed in a truth diagram:

    true               ===========            ==========
                      |           |          |          |
    false  ===========.............==========............==========

    alert              ===========            ==========
                      |           |          |          |
    asleep ===========.............==========............==========

An implication constraint the TheDude would be.:

if ($time % 24 > 10) or ($time % 24 < 15):
     not HOME and not BED;

which means that during the day time from 10am to 3pm TheDude is not supposed to be in BED nor shall he be at HOME. Note, when events are mentioned in conditions they produce a verdict of ‘true’ ony at the exact moment when they appear.

Implicated and rules without temporal constrains are always alert. Too many of them may drain on the computing performance.

Temporal Constraints

Temporal rules are activated an deactivated by events or conditions becoming true or false. An instantaneous alert can be specified using the on keyword. For example:

   up_time_ms > 3000;

The above statement says, that when a BOOT a RESET, or a transition from IDLE to LOAD occurs, then the uptime must have been at least 3000 (ms). Any number of events greater or equal one may be specified as trigger of an instantaneous alert. The truth of the condition is not checked except at the instances when those events occur. With E0 being a triggering event and R1 the rule of concern, a truth-diagram looks like the following.:

                      |           |          |          |
    false  ===========.===========.==========.==========.==========

                      |           |          |          |
    asleep ===========.===========.==========.==========.==========

In TheDude example, there was already an instantaneous alert based on the WORK event. When it occured it was required that the need for sleep is not higher than 9.:

on WORK:
    WORK.nfs < 9;

The counterpart for conditions is implemented by once statements. It appeared already in TheDude example tests. There, it was checked whether 7 o’clock has been reached and if so, it was required that TheDude has slept at least six hours.:

once $time % 24 >= 7: {
    slept_hour_n >= 6;

A true condition in a once statement must first become false, before it can trigger an alert again. With C0 as a ‘once’ condition and R1 as an associated rule, the truth-diagram looks the following.:

    true               ===========            ==========
                      |           |          |          |
    false  ===========.............==========............==========

                      |                      |
    asleep ===========.======================.=====================

..note:: Difference between on and once and if.

The behavior of the three rules:

on   EVENT: print "triggered";
once EVENT: print "triggered";
if   EVENT: print "triggered";

is exactly the same, because of the special nature of events. Events are true only exactly at the instance when they occur an false otherwise. This may require some clarification.

on followed by a comma separated list of events defines an event

handler. An event’s handler is quickly identified at the moment when an it occurs. on can only be defined for events. It cannot be defined for conditions. It is the fastest way to specify a reaction to event.

once and if consider both conditions. once C and if C are equivalent if and only if all verdicts of C are directly controlled by events. In the example:

once EVENT or n == 1: print "A";
if   EVENT or n == 1: print "B";

the string "A" is printed whenever the EVENT occurs and at the instances when n becomes 1. The string "B" is triggered whenever EVENT occurs and while n remains 1.

Alertness of some longer extend as a consequence of an event can be specified by the from and to keywords. By means of those two keywords it can be specified from when and/or until when conditions have to be checked. For example, the rule that before the memory is initialized, no memory should be allocated may be expressed as:


To the contrary, one might require that the network manager must be active as soon as one of the applications started.:

     NETWORK_MANAGER.status == "active";

With C0 as the condition and R1 as the associated rule, the truth diagram for the from statement is the following.:

    false  ===========.============================================

    alert              ============================================
    asleep ===========.............................................

However short E0 may be true, it will trigger the alertness of the rules R0. R0 will remain alert until the end of the experiment. The correspondent truth-diagram of the to statement is:

    false  ====================================.===================

    alert  ====================================
    asleep .....................................===================

As soon as E0 becomes true, however short the time may be, it stops the alertness of R1. A time span may be defined by using from and to in a single statement. For example.:


says that from the event of INIT_DONE to the event of TERMINATION the event SEGMENTATION_FAULT has not to occur. With E0 being the ‘from condition’, E1 being to ‘to condition’, and R0 being the associated rule, the truth diagram looks is:

                      |   |   |                 |
    false  ===========.===.===.=================.==================

                                 |    |   |
    false  ======================.====.===.========================

    alert              ==========                ==================
                      |          |              |
    asleep ===========............==============...................

R1 becomes alert as soon as E0 is true and it becomes asleep as soon as E1 becomes true. Once it is asleep again it may be activated again by a transition of E0 from false to true.

A constraint for TheDude’s buzzer could be that the BUZZ event shall not occur from the time that TheDude comes home until he goes to bed. The not BUZZ rule shall therefore be alert as in the following diagram:

not BUZZ;

    alert                                     ========
                                             |        |
    asleep ==================================..........=============

            BED       HOME        WORK       HOME     BED

Note, however, that the following code does not do the work:

from HOME to BED: not BUZZ;

because HOME is true whenever HOME is entered. So, when TheDude gets up in the morning the not BUZZ rule becomes alert the whole day until TheDude enters finally the BED.

not BUZZ;

    alert              ==============================
                      |                              |
    asleep ===========................................=============

            BED       HOME        WORK       HOME     BED

This is clearly, not what was ment. To specified the desired behavior, the declaration of a state machine comes handy.:

state_machine HOME, WORK, BED;

from (WORK->HOME) to BED: not BUZZ;

Here, the not BUZZ rules starts triggering after the transition from WORK to HOME. The rule mentioned before would trigger upon any occurrence of HOME. Note, that a state can only belong to one state machine. States in different state machines must be named differently.

Precisely, the statement WORK->HOME means that the state machine related to WORK and HOME transits from WORK to HOME.